

  • 品牌:昊朋木门
  • 公司:北京昊朋木业有限公司
  • 宣传词:昊朋木门
  • 成立时间:
  • 省市:北京-北京
  • 地址:北京市通州区马驹桥



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先进的管理理念、雄厚的技术力量、健全的经营机制和强大的营销网络以及真诚的客户服务印证了我公司的综合实力。在公司这个大家庭里,标准化的同时充满着温馨,领导把员工当作公司的主人,时刻关心员工、关注员工、培养教育员工、把员工冷暖记在心上,落实在行动上。使全体员工在公司开开心心工作、尽职尽能做事。同时也使员工把公司当成自己的家,当作自己生存发展的平台。以“厂兴我荣、厂衰我耻”为己任,为公司经营发展献技出力。“争做中国门业第一,挤进中国五百强”的宏伟目标,敬业报国、追求卓越、服务社会”的企业精神,“迅速反应、马上行动”的作风融入了所有员工的心中,这是我公司能够不断发展壮大的重要原因,也是我们走向世界的最终原因! 质量是我公司的生命与市场。


Shi Jia Zhuanghao Peng Wood Industry Co., Ltd. is a research and development, production, sales, service as one of the high-tech enterprises, mainly the production of solid wood doors, solid wood doors. The company is located in Shijiazhuang Development Zone, covers an area of 30 mu, building area of 6,500 square meters, more than 100 employees, location, strength.

Advanced management philosophy, strong technical force, sound operational mechanism and a strong marketing network, and sincere customer service confirms the company's comprehensive strength. In the big family of the company, while standardization is full of warm, leading to employees as the company's owner, always concerned about the employees and focus on employee training and education of employees, employee well-being recorded in the heart, and put it into action. Happy work of all employees in the company, due diligence to make things. Also enable employees to the company as their own home, as a platform for their own survival and development. To "plant my glory, factory bad I shame" as its mission, the audience for the company business development contribute. Vying Chinese door industry, squeeze in China's five hundred grand goal, dedication and pursuit of excellence, service to the community, "the spirit of enterprise," rapid response, immediate action "style into the minds of all employees, important reason for this is my company can continue to grow and develop, but also toward the ultimate cause of the world! quality of my life and market.

Over the years has been to continuously improve quality standards, with meticulous attitude, our products guarantee a unique quality and stability, widely praised by the majority of dealers and consumers, a brand wood industry in China, production and sales of the country's leading. With the further advancement of product diversification strategy, the company will be more abundant products, initially built my company Wood supermarket, and provide consumers with one-stop service. The company is committed to the constant pursuit of product innovation, customer satisfaction as the standard, the minds of consumers trust the brand, based on the market gradually. Hao Peng Wood will development of the concept of "quality of survival, to the credibility of the fundamental", to provide customers with the best products and the most perfect service地 址:北京市通州区马驹桥

官 方QQ:691872296


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